Browse through our comprehensive list of frequently asked questions
- Who is eligible to participate in edHEALTH?
- How does edHEALTH save my educational institution, faculty, and staff money?
- Why should we switch to edHEALTH? No one is complaining about our employee health insurance program.
- What benefits do we get by joining edHEALTH?
- Will the switch to edHEALTH disrupt coverage, provider networks, and plan design?
- How is plan design determined?
- Can edHEALTH’s plan designs support religious institution plan accommodations and exemptions?
- What is edHEALTH’s service area?
- How many third-party administrators (TPAs) do you offer?
- Which national networks do you offer?
- Can we keep our current broker?
- Will switching to edHEALTH add to our HR Department’s workload?
- Does edHEALTH offer any clinical intervention programs?
- What do I need to know about obtaining an edHEALTH working rate?
- What is the minimum number of benefit-eligible employees that a school should have to receive a working rate quote?
- Once a school decides to become a member-owner of edHEALTH, what is the process for onboarding?
- How does an educational institution learn about becoming a member-owner of edHEALTH?

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