Meet the Staff who Make edHEALTH Run
We team up with higher education presidents, human resources (HR), and financial officers (CFOs) to provide a top-notch healthcare solution. All team members have deep healthcare and employee benefits expertise. Each person brings a unique set of skills to ensure that edHEALTH is the preferred healthcare solution for your faculty, staff, and family members.
Stephanie Pasha
Stephanie Pasha joins edRISK, which includes edHEALTH, as the organization’s new Corporate Governance Secretary, Office Manager, and Executive Assistant. In this role, she coordinates all aspects of the edRISK boards and their supporting committees. Stephanie also manages our office operations by overseeing the administration and business processes for edRISK and provides executive-level support to our President and CEO as well as our Chief Financial and Operating Officer.
Prior to joining our organization, Stephanie worked for many years at member-owner school WPI, most recently as the Assistant Vice President, Government and Community Relations. Throughout her tenure at WPI, she collaborated extensively with three different presidents, their leadership teams, and the school's Board of Trustees.
Stephanie resides in Worcester and is highly involved in her community. She serves as President of the Worcester Public Library Board of Directors and is a member of the Worcester Animal Rescue League Board of Directors. In her spare time, she loves to read, write, attend writing workshops, and spend time with her rescue pup.

Contact Us
30 Main Street, Suite 330
Burlington, VT 05401