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What do consumers think about their employer-provided health coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Jul 28, 2022
Doctor with phone for telehealth call
Doctor with phone for telehealth call

It’s a question that America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) asked in a recent survey that the Locust Street Group completed on behalf of AHIP Coverage@Work.

According to the study: “The vast majority (75%) report that their coverage was important to maintaining the health and financial security of them and their families during the pandemic, with 71% reporting their plan helped access services like free testing, vaccination, and telehealth appointments.”

The study also showed long-term support for telehealth:

  • 3 in 4 consumers (75%) report they’re likely to consider being seen by a doctor or treated via telehealth if it’s an option
  • 76% of respondents consider it important for plans to cover telehealth services
  • 79% believe it’s important for the federal government to maintain COVID-19 telehealth flexibilities for patients

Check out this infographic with findings at a glance or read here for more about AHIP’s survey,

Photo by National Cancer Institute.